Intergalactic Shop

VueJS 3 and Pinia-based e-commerce platform designed to sell intergalactic-themed products, such as helmets, swords, and spaceships. The project focuses on creating a seamless user experience while incorporating essential e-commerce functionalities such as product browsing, user authentication, a shopping cart, and a checkout process.

Key Features:

1. Product Management: The shop displays a variety of unique intergalactic items stored in a database managed via PHPMyAdmin.

2. User Authentication: Only authenticated users can complete the checkout process.

3. Shopping Cart: A dynamic cart system built entirely with VueJS allows users to add and remove items, as well as view a summary of their selected products.

4. Order Management: Orders are securely processed and stored in the database, providing users with an overview of their completed purchases.

5. Backend Integration: The backend APIs provided are used to fetch and manage products, categories, and user orders.

6. Database: The MySQL database includes structured tables for users, products, categories, orders, and order items, ensuring efficient data handling.

The website is fully responsive, employs usability principles, and ensures error-handling for forms and user interactions. Developed using the Composition API, this project showcases the power of VueJS in modern web development.